Live Action & Animation Film Fantasy, Fiction,

Courage – Teaser trailer Live Action & Animation Film Fantasy, Fiction

This is a passion project for us, with this teaser we hope to show a bit of what we’ve got cooking for later this year; we also wanted to show off Durango and Mexico´s beautiful forests, but most importantly it’s an opportunity to bring to life our childhood dreams. The script is based on a videogame that had a great influence in our lives. This year, that game turns 35, it’s of course The legend Of Zelda. We wanted to pay homage to it’s creators and to explore a part of the story we feel has an enormous potential. Courage deals with a brief passage in this enormous saga, it´s a tale of the ghosts and demons that lurk in every corner of our minds, and that eventually turn out to be our greatest foes.

Hope you guys like it!

Happy birthday Zelda!!!! Muchas gracias Sr. Miyamoto, Sr. Tezuka, Sr. Kondo y Nintendo.

Directed by: Luis Niebla

Starring Evan Diez

Story and screenplay by Luis Niebla and Andrés Blancarte, based on characters of Nintendo’s Legend Of Zelda

Cinematography by Evan Diez and Fernando Muñoz

Shot and photographed by Fernando Muñoz

Music by Andres Blancarte

VFX by Arturo Rodríguez

Special Thanks to our production team: Sergio León, Ricardo Pérez, Garusa Sariñana, Adolfo Niebla, Paloma Muñoz, Mariana Martinez and Diana Pérez.

«Courage» is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Co., Ltd., Legend of Zelda, or any of its respected licenses. The content is for the exclusive use of the end user, and may not be sold, rented, or used for any commercial enterprise. We make no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected by federal, state, international, or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Zelda fans.